Coupling phase

Linked genes (loci) where both dominant alleles are positioned on one chromosome and both recessive alleles are positioned on the other chromosome. In other words: one chromosome carries gene combination “AB” and the other chromosome carries gene combination “ab”. BT: linked genes << coupling phase RT: crossing-over

Repulsion phase

Linked genes (loci) where each chromosome carries a recessive and a dominant allele. In other words: one chromosome carries gene combination “Ab” and the other chromosome carries gene combination “aB”. BT: linked genes << repulsion phase RT: crossing-over

Absolutely linked genes

Genes that are positioned so close on the same chromosome, that chances of crossing-over between these genes is virtually zero. Hence recombinant gene combinations do not occur between absolutely linked genes. Synonyms: linked genes (narrow definition), absolute coupled genes RT: (broad definition) linked genes >> (narrow definition) absolutely linked genes ST: coupling phase ↔ repulsion…

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