Sustainable Water Management – Agriculture Africa: Contour Trenching – Peter Westerveld

Contour trenching is a technique to dig long grooves in the desert that capture water during heavy rainfall.

Working of Contour Trenching

These trenches have to functions:

* Trenches counteract soil erosion by horizontal waterflows over land. Hence fertile soil is preserved.

* Trenches promote the formation of an underground water supply, because water in the trenches has time to infiltrate the soil. This water supply stimulates the growth and development of new vegetation.

The trenches can be just one to over three feet deep and has potential for agriculture. Contour trenching is effective in regions with annual rainfall of less than 100 mm.

Ambitions are to use contour trenching to combat desert formation and even to regreen existing deserts.

The contour trenching technique was invented by Peter Westerveld. The contour trenching method is promoted by non-profit organization Naga Foundation.


Contour trenching

contour trenching on a large scale in Israel and Australia.

contour trenching in practice in Africa

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